What Is The Purpose Of AI In Music?

What an AI can't do is ask WHY...

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I Know What I Want My Unique Style To Be, But I’m Not Finishing Anything

If you're not finishing music, you might have some theories about what you want your unique style to be, but you cannot know what it will be...

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But What If I Want To Make Unique House Music?

Making music within a genre (e.g. House, Techno, Drum and Bass, Folk, Rock, Country etc.) is NOT the same as making generic music.

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Doesn’t Unique Music Happen Automatically?

A common question I get is “if I finish loads of music, then won’t unique music end up happening anyway?” From finishing a load of music in my career, is that unless it’s already happening - then you’re unlikely to make unique music automatically...

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Won’t Unique Music Alienate My (Potential) Fans?

Despite the obvious benefits (and, in my opinion, necessity) of developing your unique style, a frequent worry is making music that doesn't fit.While understandable, this fear is based on several shaky assumptions...

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The AI Music Uncanny Valley

What's one way to tell you're listening to music made by an AI Music Generator like Suno? An AI is SHAMELESS.

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To Explore Or Exploit…That Is The Question

I'm on the horns of a very familiar dilemma to anyone attempting to develop their unique voice... Explore or Exploit?

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How to "Synthesize" Your Unique Music

"Synthesis" is the final stage of the ongoing Unique Style process. Unless you're aware of the pitfalls and take a specific approach to avoid them, this is where most people revert to the perceived safety and certainty of generic music...

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Play Your Way to Unique Music

When developing a unique style, it can be difficult to tell if what you're creating is good. This is because there isn't existing music to compare it to. So, you revert to a more generic style because that is more certainty-creating. Unless you take a PLAYFUL approach and recognise that most of what you create won't work at first...

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How To Create Your Unique Musical Vision

If you're going to develop your unique style, you have to know what you'd like it to be. But beware of the common pitfalls in working towards your unique musical Vision...

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What Is Unique Music?

Before figuring out how to make unique music - we must get clear on what unique music is...

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What Do AI Music Generators Mean For Artists?

To kick off the new “Mailbag” podcast, I got a question that lead me to make a [hilarious] version of one of my album songs using an AI Music generator called Suno. Using Suno lead to more than a few episodes that left me feeling generally positive (with some HUGE caveats) about what AI might mean for artists...

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A New Way To Use The Music Machine

I've never been so excited to miss a goal...

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I Finally Have Proof!

For the last couple of years I’ve simply had to ASSUME that I can become a great singer/songwriter. I believe in lifelong improvement and growth so why not? But still, this is a conceptual belief. I’ve had no results based evidence that I can become as good as I aspire to be. Until yesterday when...

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3 to 5 Songs In An Hour?

Here’s what happened when I started Splurging lyrics...

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This Stops You Finishing Music

Why can finishing music be so difficult?

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You COULD Solve ANY Problem In Your Music!

Yes, believe it or not, you COULD. And when you believe you could? That's when you start solving problems!

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Is My Music a Pipe Dream? (Who Am I Kidding?)

You don't have to believe in yourself when you believe in growth...

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Why I MUST Start Splurging Lyrics

87 songs in, and I'm still not Splurging lyrics? What's going on? And why must I get this sorted pronto?

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This Victorian Novelist Is Helping Me Release My Albums

How might a famous Victorian novelist release an album?

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Every Result Serves Your Process (And Progress)

I often get particular feedback about my first album (completed as part of The Album podcast) compared to my second album. While I agree with the feedback about the result, when you take into account the context for me as a developing artist, it makes little sense.

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Now THIS Is A Crisis

I said I was "in crisis" last time... But that was nothing compared to what's happened this week.

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The last few days of attempting to finish my album have been challenging. Time for a crisis meeting...

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Obstacles ARE The Way (Not In The Way)

Many musicians consider obstacles a "reason not to do it"... But this is the wrong way around. Almost any obstacle is a "reason to do it"...

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Lesson 5: The Final Piece of the Puzzle

In this "Album Alchemy" mini-course so far, I've shared 4 steps to making more quality music in the next 3 months than you usually do in 1 year.Today, I'll give you the final (crucial) piece of the puzzle.

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Lesson 4: The Hard Way vs The Easy Way

👇 The first clue...No matter how hard I tried, I could NEVER hit my personal deadlines. I could when someone else was waiting...But not if I was the only one waiting!

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Finish Your Album to GROW

If I had to choose just one single reason I make albums, there's no competition:I make albums to GROW. So finishing my album is the ideal opportunity to turbo charge this growth...

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Lesson 3: The 4 Whys

"I'm making this album to get loads of record sales, press and gigs." ☝️ that was why I made my second album in 2008. This goal led to the worst album I ever made. Why? Apart from the fact that it ignores the most important reasons for making an album...

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Lesson 2: Urgent = REAL

What seems more achievable? “You must complete a quality album in 3 months.” OR “I’m challenging you to do 50 sessions in the next 25 days.” The second is a target you can focus on because...

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FREE Mini-Course: Album Alchemy

This weekend, we are already one quarter through 2024...How much music have you made so far? If your answer is less than: "What I'd hoped for at the start of the year, Mike!"...here's a treat for you.

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The Agonising Story of the WORST Album I Ever Made

The album I'm finishing right now is the 7th in my career. (It's the 3rd I'm finishing alongside this podcast.) And so far, I do not doubt that my 2nd album (made in 2008) was the worst by far, in almost every way. Even though, on the surface, it might seem that conditions were IDEAL for it to be my best...

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Why Did I Fall Off?

Oh dear. I didn't work on my album for 13 days! This is an ideal opportunity to learn something...

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A Release Is An Extension Of Your Art

"I know I must do this marketing stuff; it's a necessary evil." Everything around releasing your music (marketing, promotion, etc.) is NOT a necessary "evil". It is a necessary step in the creative process. But not one you want to bring into the studio. Or one you want to view as being different from your music. If that sounds contradictory listen to this episode...

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Releasing Music is a Chicken-Or-Egg Puzzle

"Why would I bother releasing my music if no one's there to hear it?" This is a classic case of "chicken-or-eggitis"...

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Wings Not Chains!

If you know you can't meet a personal deadline ahead of time, do you force it "because you said you would," or is there a better option?

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Your Gift

Even if you're not a singer/songwriter - listen to this one. It explodes one of the most dangerous myths that is rife among musicians.

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Crucial Skill = Zooming Out

One of the toughest challenges for any creator is avoiding getting lost in the weeds...at the same time as focusing on the details! So, how do you keep your focus on the big picture while also making sure you're making the highest quality music you can?

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THE Decision I Haven't Made

So far, my Drafting Challenge has been like wading through MUD. That must mean there's an unmade decision to uncover...

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Two Recovering Perfectionists

My name is Mike and I'm a perfectionist.But I'm not the only one. Today, I'm talking to another recovering perfectionist about where it comes from, how it destroys the creative process, and how to recover from it.

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Why My Songs Are Crap

Today, we will have a conversation about the downside of quantity - which is also an upside.This is the reason why (while it's frustrating at the time) I'm HAPPY to create an avalanche of crap songs...

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It's Working!

Now I've completed 34 songs, I can see how this goal of 1000 songs in 1000 days could become relatively simple to complete...

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This Is THE Problem

To be transparent, I feel enormous resistance to releasing my music "properly" (i.e. not just on a podcast feed).This isn't because I fear bad feedback or what people will think. The reason is behind the utter destruction of my previous music career...

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My Discovery Mistake

During my Discovery Challenge, I made a mistake that may turn out to have an unexpected benefit...

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It's About Time I Take...

Now I'm on the path to becoming a quality singer/songwriter (by focusing on high quantity), I've realised it's already time for me to take the next step. In fact, take... THE LEAP!

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Oh No This Doesn't Work!

Disappointment is a feature, not a bug...

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The ONE Thing

In Discovery, it's crucial not to get caught up in thinking. It's just like Splurging - carefree creation. But this is psychologically harder than Splurging because, in Discovery, you're working on an existing idea with those pesky "expectations" attached.\ Luckily, I've found a solution that seems to work so far...

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Why 1000 Songs?

I've made a new goal to create 1000 new songs, 1 a day, for the next three years (or so). WHY?

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This 1000-Song Sized Gap

Arghhh! Adding this 1000-song challenge means I've got way too much to do...I've not focused enough on the album songs...But then again, how might "too much" be exactly what I need?

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I'm Back With Season 5

It's been ages since I gave you an album update! But I've been working away on my first album of this year since we last spoke...

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Where.T.F. is Mondayland?

It's the beginning of a new chapter...

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The Finale Insight of 2023 (the embarrassing one!)

As this is the FINALE of Season 4 and the last episode of 2023 - it's the right time to embarrass myself UTTERLY...

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My Top Insights Of 2023 (no. 3+4)

This is a two insight episode. Both are crucial components of making consistent progress amid your busy life. Without both firmly in place there's no way I would have completed 2 albums this year - or even considering the possibility of completing FOUR in 2024...

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My Top Insights of 2023 (no. 2)

My 2nd insight from 2023 is a belief you can embed within your worldview that cascades into the crucial self-belief I shared in the last episode...

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My Top Insights of 2023 (no. 1)

Now we've completed the 2024 planning process, let's focus on 2023... For me, it was a HUGE year musically - possibly the most defining of my entire life. I've learned a lot, and I'd like to share that with you...

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Problems Are The Way

This season of The Album, I'm coaching you through a new 2024 planning process I've just developed. Today, it's the FINAL STEP!

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What Moonshots?

This season of The Album, I'm coaching you through a new 2024 planning process I've just developed. Today, you'll use what you've done in each of the 4 "WHY?" areas (Goal, Function, Growth and Purpose) as the starting point for some Moonshot Thinking...

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Goal (The 4th "Why?")

This season of The Album, I'm coaching you through a new 2024 planning process I've just developed. Today, we're moving onto the 4th "Why are you making music?" This "Why?" is problematic, though. If you focus on it at the wrong time in the wrong place, it can corrupt your process...

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Function (The 3rd "Why?")

This season of The Album, I'm coaching you through a new 2024 planning process I've just developed. Today, we're moving onto the 3rd "Why are you making music?".

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Growth (The 2nd "Why?")

This season of The Album I'm coaching you through a new 2024 planning process I've just developed. Today, we're moving onto the 2nd "Why are you making music?" - and for me, one of the most important...

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Purpose (The 1st "Why?")

The first stage of the 2024 planning process I'm taking you through over the next couple of weeks is focused on the MOST important question to answer for a music career that lasts... WHY?

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What You'll Get From Festive Season 4

IT'S SPECIAL FESTIVE SEASON 4! Until the New Year, instead of sharing my progress in starting my 4th album, I'm going to put my coaching hat on and run you through a coaching process. This is a new process I've developed and am using myself to get clear on what I want to do in 2024 to make next year an even better musical year than this one.

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Season 3 Finale: Review + What's Coming

This has been my favourite album-making process (and album) so far! But now it's over - we have to move on to bigger and better things...after a review, of course. :)

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The Key To Unlock Infinite Improvement

I now understand WHY finishing and releasing has to be the last (crucial) part of any creative process...

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"Reach" the Mixtape

Amazingly, I'm excited to share this mixtape with you. Now that's progress...

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Did I Hit the Deadline?

Album 1: Deadline HIT! Album 2: Deadline MISS! Album 3: ???

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This Problem Child...

It's one of my greatest joys in life when a piece of music takes on a life of it's own. EVEN when they don't leave you alone and you're on deadline!

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I’m Not Good Enough.

When you're finishing a piece or an album and you think "I'm not good enough" then this is a sign the process of finishing is WORKING - not that it isn't. Here's why...

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3 Crucial Pointers Going Into My Final Week

Over the weekend, I managed to clear the boards regarding my business work! So now I can focus on the last 7 days of completing the mixtape version of this album. Here are 3 pointers I'm staying focused on to stop me falling into the many rabbit holes that can appear when in the final stages...

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Use Your H.E.D. To Get Out of Your Head

I'm getting to the SHARP END! One week to go until the deadline. But while the end is SHARP - this has a series of welcome outcomes for your creativity which you can't get any other way...

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Why Have I Stopped Podwalking?

I've not recorded a PodWalk for four months! Let me explain the (very good) reasons why...

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Does this Podcast Have a Future? 🤔

One of the reasons I decided to make this current album was to help me decide if I wanted to make more next year. So now I'm in the final stages of this one, I've made a decision...

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The Inexorable Pull of "HOW?"

ALWAYS put why first, and you'll save time and money. (Particularly at this time of year!) And more importantly, you'll make much better music...

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What Am I Avoiding?

Improving your music involves being brutally honest with yourself...

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The Endless Becoming

I'm reading a book at the moment which has clarified the fundamental problem we face as artists in finishing art...

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Strip Back For Max Impact

I'm in a new situation right now with this album which I'm viewing as a big opportunity...

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How Do I Express Infinity In Music?

It's fair to say that I have a few regrets about choosing to make this album about a highly conceptual book. So, what's my strategy for getting the Purpose across? How am I going to express The Beginning of Infinity in an album?

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I Hit 100!

Continuing the questions around results vs growth - after completing my Drafting Challenge, I'm now firmly in the finishing 3rd of this album...

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Bad Songs

That moment you realise the album is nowhere near as far along as you thought..

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A Lyrical Crossroads

Here's a great example of why I prefer to "do to learn" before I "learn to do"...

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"Extreme" Progress

There is a MASSIVE benefit in going ALL OUT when making music. What happens when you take everything to the extreme?

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Discover & Draft: the REAL Difference

That AHA moment that highlights the line between "Discover" and "Draft"...

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The Releasing Conundrum

How exactly am I going to "properly" release all these albums I'm making?

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Discovery Wins!

The Discovery stage on this album has gone WAY better than any other. But weirdly not because I hit my Discovery Challenge goal...

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STORIES! (and deadlines)

Over the last few days, I feel like the sun has risen on my music-making. Not so much through what I've been doing in the studio, although that has been going well. It's more like I've realised something crucial about my journey over the last decade...

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Challenge Challenges

About half way through my Discovery Challenge, and I struggled to do Discovery on a few of my Splurges - until I realised the mistake I'm making...

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Is AI Music Only for Lazy and Untalented People?

We got exactly this question over on the YouTube channel... So here's a conversation between two lazy and untalented musicians about being lazy and untalented!

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The Discovery Challenge

Now I've processed all my Splurges....time for the next stage: DISCOVERY! But this time, I've learnt from the problems I hit on the last album at this stage and figured out a way of staying on track...

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Just how BAD were my 108 Songs? 🥴

After the self-congratulatory hubris of the last couple of episodes, I discovered a huge error which has (thankfully) brought me down a peg or ten...

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108 Songs in 1 Day - The W.P.O.

Now the dust has settled on my 108 Splurges in 1 day...what did I learn and what lessons can you take from my experience?

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The Day of 100 Songs

What happened on my 100 Splurges in 1-day attempt?

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100 Splurges in 1 DAY?

To kick off season 3 and the third album of this "The Album" podcast, my next crazy goal is to attempt 100 Splurges in a single day. To hit this, it'll require significant setup...

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Season 2 Finale - EH?

Why am I ending season 2 without completing my 2nd album of this podcast? Why am I starting season 3 without finishing the last album? For a few very good reasons...

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Purpose Brings Objectivity

The second episode in a mini-series about our objectivity while making music - including a simple way to cultivate and maintain it...

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How to Win an AI Music Competition

Jon won the AI Music competition in 2021. What approach did he take?

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WTF is "Good Enough"?

Something different but extremely relevant for finishing any music (including albums) - what's the difference between opinion and objective quality?

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This Is What I’m "Supposed" To Do

A shock realisation I had about this "The Album" project - and the (possibly crazy) goal that's emerging from it for next year...

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Believe You Can (even when you can't)

I KNOW that at this point in time (literally today) I don't possess the skill to write or perform the kind of vocal that this track needs. So just take the easy route and lower the bar - right? If my deadline was this week, then probably yes. But as it's in 3 weeks time this is a golden opportunity...

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Resistance is Futile (and Not Real)

Working on a track I've been resisting until now. But what is this so-called "RESISTANCE"?

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From Purpose to Arc

How do you create an Arc in a track with a seemingly static purpose?

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How Do I Turn an Epic Instrumental into a Song?

I have a massive instrumental track. Given I'm a beginner singer/songwriter - can I turn it into a song that lives up to the music?

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Follow the Podcast

Would you like fresh free strategies to make much better music in a lot less time?